Home > Discounts > State/National    




Who is listed here

There are a number of companies who participate in the Defcom Protectors Discount Card in a major way.
They either have numerous outlets across a state/s or Australia where members can claim a discount. Some may offer their products via mail order and direct online marketing.
Select from the list of current State/National/Online Companies in the Index (right menu) to view their detailed page.
It's easy just follow the simple rules on how to use the card.

Simple rules

Find a DEFCOM merchant
from this website or the current directory

Make your purchase
and understand the discount on offer to you

Show your card
to claim your discount or prior to any haggling you may do with the merchant over the original price of the goods or service



Show your DEFCOM card to claim your discount when making purchases


Automotive Bags & Travel Goods Blinds/Window Coverings Clothingrsoles) Hire Cars & Trucks Home Entertainment Optical Eyewear & Sunglasses Pet Transport Stationery